Tuesday, August 15, 2017

First Day of School!

How can it be the first day of school already?!!
I admit, I'm not ready...not ready for schedules, not ready for homework, not ready for getting up early, making lunches...but alas, here we are.

The kids were so excited last night!
Each one had their outfits picked out and back packs ready to go!  Too bad it's not like that every evening before a school day, ha!
 Haley is in 8th grade this year!!
This is her last year in middle school...I know, I can't believe it either!

 Morgan and Piper get to go to a brand new school this year!!
They tore down our old elementary school to make way for a new one.  We were super sad to see the other one go (a lot of memories) but this new one is pretty spectacular!

 Morgan is in 6th grade!!
This is her last year in elementary...she gets to rule the school!

 Piper is in 2nd grade!!
That blows my mind!!  2nd grade!!

 Rory has another week before she starts Kindergarten.
So I'll have more pictures of her first day next week!

Happy First Day of School!!

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