Monday, August 28, 2017

Solar Eclipse

 Last week we were able to see the solar eclipse!
Some people that were really dedicated drove up to Idaho to see it in 100% totality...which sounded pretty cool!  However, we stayed put in our town where the eclipse was around 95% totality (don't quote me on that, I can't remember exactly!).  

We decided to check the girls out of school for lunch to picnic in the park because most schools kept the kids inside in fear that they would look directly at the sun.  I really wanted my kids to be a part of this cool event!!  And we weren't the only ones!  Classes were pretty deserted at lunch time!!

Morgan with our trusty paper plate projector!

11:34 was the peak of the eclipse.
These pictures don't show how cool the lighting actually was and the shadows were pretty trippy!
And it got so much cooler, so much if fact that I was wishing I had a sweater!
So weird!

By 12:30 it was all over.
And then it was back to school for the kids...which they weren't that trilled about.

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