Monday, February 19, 2018

Our new everyday life.

Our family photo of 2018.
I love that Rory wanted her big leaf in the photo!

I kicked off the new year with a new job!!  This is probably why my updates haven't been happening lately as this new job has kinda rocked our world!  As you already know, I was working part time at my kids' elementary school last semester.  I was in charge of a reading intervention program and my hours matched up to Rory's part time Kindergarten schedule perfectly!  However, one of the fifth grade teachers had a baby in November and wasn't planning on coming back after her maternity leave.  The principal offered the position to me and I just couldn't refuse!!  I took the job right after the new year. Thankfully, my parents have taken on the roll of picking up Rory from half day Kindergarten (I will be forever indebted to them!!) to allow me this great opportunity!

I've taught fifth grade before (years ago) so I have a bit of background, but coming into a school year mid year is much harder than I thought!  The technology alone has been a huge learning curve for me!  And I don't want to be THAT teacher, (cue old lady voice) "Back in the day when I taught..."  Seriously, though...when I taught before we had to be creative!  Every lesson that we did we created ourselves...and you better not ever, ever lose the master copy!!  Now everything is just a click away on the computer.  Wild, how much has changed in 14 years!

But I think the hardest part of going back to work full time is trying to keep up with just our everyday life!  The shopping has to wait until...wait for it...the WEEKEND (gasp!).  Also, keeping up with the kids schedules: getting them to appointments, concerts, ski school, parties etc. And to make things extra complicated Ryan has taken on the roll of sales manager for one of the brands he reps for.  It's a temporary position while they find somebody to fill it, but it requires him to go into the office three days a week, which is quite a bit as he needs to do his regular rep job too.  So his schedule is pretty tight these days.  

But even with all the crazy, I have been loving my new gig!  And I love being at the same school as my children!

We'll figure things out sooner or later and find our new groove.
But for now, we'll just embrace the crazy!

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