Thursday, June 14, 2018

Moving up!

As we closed up the school year, we realized that three of our children will be making a big change for next year.

First up, Rory!
 She is saying goodbye to Kindergarten, and will be in school for a full day next year when she starts first grade!

 Her sweet teacher, Mrs. Elliot.

 Grandma (and grandpa!) played a HUGE roll for the last several months of school as they picked up Rory everyday from school so I could take on a full time teaching position.  I know Rory is going to miss being her grandparents everyday.

And then Morgan...
 ...she graduated from 6th grade and will be entering middle school next year!

And then last, but not least, Haley...
...she'll be entering HIGH SCHOOL!

So, next year, I'll have children at all three schools: elementary, middle and high school.

So weird.
My kids are growing up too fast!

Piper's Baptism!

 In April Piper turned 8, which means she can be baptized!
She was so excited!

Just as Haley and Morgan did, Piper wore the same dress that I was baptized in when I was 8 years old.  This dress is pretty special because my mom made it all those years ago!

 Since her baptism fell on Cinco de Mayo, we couldn't help ourselves...we just had to wear our Mexican dresses.

Happy Birthday to our Piper!
We sure do love you!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Easter 2018

I know Easter is far memory being that we're in JUNE currently, but I need to play catch up a bit so bear with me as I go back in time.

The girls after they hunted and found their baskets!

As you may already know, we have adopted a more plant based diet around these parts, which means my menus (especially traditional holiday meals) have changed some.  I'm still a lover of sweet breakfasts, so I found a recipe for blueberry muffins and then I made a tofu scramble with potatoes, which has quickly become one of our favorites around here!

After we had our fill of breakfast we loaded the car and headed south to St. George for a few days.

The weather could not have been better!
We spent our days hiking and swimming in the hotel pool...perfect!

A wonderful little getaway to kick off our Spring Break!