Thursday, June 14, 2018

Moving up!

As we closed up the school year, we realized that three of our children will be making a big change for next year.

First up, Rory!
 She is saying goodbye to Kindergarten, and will be in school for a full day next year when she starts first grade!

 Her sweet teacher, Mrs. Elliot.

 Grandma (and grandpa!) played a HUGE roll for the last several months of school as they picked up Rory everyday from school so I could take on a full time teaching position.  I know Rory is going to miss being her grandparents everyday.

And then Morgan...
 ...she graduated from 6th grade and will be entering middle school next year!

And then last, but not least, Haley...
...she'll be entering HIGH SCHOOL!

So, next year, I'll have children at all three schools: elementary, middle and high school.

So weird.
My kids are growing up too fast!

1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone reading this message I'm here to ask for your assistance in helping those poor kids out there. I want to feed 5,000 (five thousand kids) in Africans this Christmas and I want to also send them back to school and I'm asking for your help to make this possible. No amount is too small or big $50, $100 any amount will be appreciated. Contact email via: ( thanks.
