Friday, April 18, 2008

Fighting the Crowds

I need to take a minute to complain...

We took the girls to the Discovery Science Center today, what a great museum! However, we arrived at the same time as every elementary school in Southern California! (That may be a slight exaggeration.) I can't stand school groups! They took over the entire museum bouncing from one thing to the next not caring who was in their way or who was there first. Morgan got pushed around several times. There was one section of the museum that was only for children 5 and under, so we were able to hide out in there for a while. I was in constant fear that I would loose my children in all the mayhem!

Eventually it did clear out and we were able to enjoy the museum a little better. They had a huge Clifford (as in the Big Red Dog) section that the girls just loved!

But my point is they need to have some kind of system that families and school groups do not mix. Maybe one day a week just school groups can go there, or certain times of the day is only school groups. Luckily, we only had to deal with it for a couple of hours since we arrived a little later in the day. But some families had to deal with that their whole visit...poor people, I feel sorry for them.

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