Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I have had a very relaxing couple of days so far. Yesterday I took a nap for the first time in forever, and this morning I got to sleep in a little. WOW! The weather isn't bad, a little overcast in the morning but the sun eventually comes out.

Yesterday evening I went with my dad to watch my younger brother Jeff race at the Eldorado training race they have every Tuesday. He looked great! It has been a long while since I've been out that way, it brought back a lot of memories. When Ryan and I lived in Long Beach we went to the Eldorado race every week. He raced and I went for a ride with my dad. After the race Ryan and I rode home always stopping at Quiznos to grab something to eat. We would carry our food while riding our bikes, the drinks would be crammed in our water bottle cages...good times!

Today my mom and I took the girls to the Long Beach Aquarium. I think they enjoyed it. When asked, Haley's favorite animal was the sea lion, and she insists that the Jellyfish are really swimming mushrooms. Morgan's favorite part was probably chasing the pigeons while we ate lunch.

We'll see what tomorrow brings!

1 comment:

  1. Holy crapoli, I miss riding to Quizno's after Tuesday nights at the park. I miss El Do. Oh yeah, I miss you too, but you just reminderized me of the 'ol days.
