Monday, April 14, 2008

Off to the L.B.C. Tomorrow!!

Tomorrow the girls and I are off for Long Beach to visit with my folks. Ryan is working/racing at Sea Otter for the week so I might as well spend the time somewhere else, right? Plus, I have a tendency to go a little crazy when I'm by myself with the girls for that long. So I'll keep my insanity and go to Long Beach. I wonder who the person will be that gets to sit next to me on the flight there (please be another mother), I'm sure I'll get some nasty stares. The last flight I took I sat next to a very corporate looking man, I'll never forget the look on his face when he realized he had to sit next to me. He should have considered himself lucky because the girls were super good. Morgan grabbed at his leg a couple of times and cried a little here and there, but for the most part she did very well. And believe me I bring every trick I can think of for them: food, games, crayons, toys, milk, books...I might as well bring their whole room with me. But sometimes nothing works and a kid just cries, so please go easy on mothers on planes, we try very hard! And we are perfectly aware that a screaming child annoys people, they annoy us too! So don't give us nasty stares!! We're doing our best, OK!! Whew, I better stop there.


  1. We flew back to Indy on a plane full of teachers leaving SLC. Because the flight was full, they had all of us (Maddie, Aaron and I) sitting separately! The gate couldnt get any of the seats together. They suggested that we ask people around us to move. We were HORRIFIED when none of the teachers would move! Finally, one gave in and traded seats so Maddie could sit with me. Aaron sat behind us, between two teachers who refused to move but talked over him the whole time.

    Other than that, our flight was great. I hope you were granted a WONDERFUL, peaceful flight and a wonderful trip to LB.

  2. I meant to say: have a good flight tomorrow. :)

  3. Thank you. At least it's only an hour and a half long, so that's nice. Sorry your flight was so crummy.
