Sunday, April 27, 2008

Finally some decent weather!!

Ryan and I started the day off with a bike ride up the canyon to Vivian Park. Actually, we didn't quite make it to the park because an avalanche blocked the trail, but it was close enough. We stopped at another park to let the girls play for a, was it nice!! Oh, and I got to wear my new cycling it! I may not be fast, but at least I look good...isn't that the most important part?

Church was a little rough for Haley today, she got sent out of her class for being disruptive. She was probably pretending she was a dog and started barking at the other children or something. Anyway, Ryan was talking to her about how she needs to be reverent at church, she responded with, "Daddy, I can't deny what happened in there.". Who is this child?! Where did she hear that line? I thought it was pretty funny. Hopefully it goes better next time, I'm a little worried.

Later we squeezed in a walk on the path. Not a bad day at all.

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