Monday, April 28, 2008

More Warm Temps

I went for a ride this morning...I know, two days in a row, I'm on a roll!! The weather is beautiful, I didn't even wear leg warmers! I was feeling pretty motivated until I started riding and remembered how hard it is to pull the bike trailer with the girls. My motivation just crumbles when I'm riding along and someone who's riding a big clunky mountain bike with platform pedals and big loose clothing flapping in the wind and carrying a big backpack passes me, like I'm not even moving. Bummer. At least the girls were good this time. Usually I'm having to stop every five minutes to retrieve Morgan's sippy cup or yelling at them to keep their hands to themselves, "Haley! Stop bonking Morgan on the head with your helmet!". So, for once they sat peacefully together eating their graham crackers as they watched their mother suffer.


  1. If you start pulling that thing around during the week you are really going to work me over when I pull it on Sundays...

  2. Hey! Until about a week ago, I was that person on the clunky mountain bike with flat pedals! Don't be hatin'!

    Your experience of stopping every 5 minutes to help or yell at the kids sounds like me at the grocery today... "Parker leave your brother's hat alone. Brandon, don't poke him in the eye. No, I can't open the graham crackers right now!"
