Sunday, May 4, 2008

Best a while.

I couldn't have asked for a better weekend, the weather has been beautiful!

Today has been one of the better Sundays that I've had in quite a while. Ryan, the girls, and I went for a ride, the longest ride I've done in forever...about 35 miles. We went to South Fork and since the girls were asleep Ryan suggested that we ride up it a ways. (It's about a 4 1/2 mile gradual climb.) We ended up going all the way to the top, my first time ever! And I have to hand it to Ryan, he pulled the trailer the whole way...I know, he's awesome! Then on the way home we stopped at a park to let the girls play for a while. They did great, that was a long time they were in the trailer and no major catastrophes to speak of.

Then, as soon as we got home we went out to a late lunch/early dinner at Ruby River. Compliments of our good friend Sleevie. (Thanks!) I downed a 12 oz. Ribeye steak, fries and green salad like nothing, I surprised myself. I haven't eaten that much in one sitting since I was pregnant! It was good, however, I have a bit of a gut bomb now. But it was worth it!

Lately, anytime someone asks Haley what her name is she says, "Lassidy". (That's her name when she's pretending she's a dog...which is the majority of the time.) Anyway, a little girl asked Haley what her name was today at the park and she said, "Haley"!!! I think we're turning a corner! Hopefully.

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