Thursday, May 1, 2008

One of those mornings...

I wanted to take the girls to story time at the library this morning. I thought I was doing pretty good with time, but as soon as I tell the girls it's time to get dressed the battle begins! Every morning I feel like I'm trying to dress two rag dolls. Of course that's after I chase them around house and wrestle them to the ground to get their pj's off. Finally, I get them dressed, only it took twice as long as I thought and I'm running late. It's a mission now...I MUST make it to story time!! We go to gather up the library books to take back and I find out that we are missing one. I looked everywhere for that book, and I never did find it. Now we're really running late! "Forget the book, get into the car...Go, Go, Go! We can't be late!" We pull up to the library with time to spare...YES! As we're walking in I notice a kid walking in with his mom and he's still in his pj's!! I was thinking to myself, "Wow, I know I was running late, but at least my kid is dressed! Unlike this slacker mom who's kid is still in pj's." As I walk into the library I notice another kid in pj's! I think, "What's wrong with these parents! It's 10:45! Get your kids dressed!". Then I walk to the story time area to find out today is Pajama Day. Just my luck!

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