Thursday, May 29, 2008

Buyers Remorse

I have been on the hunt for a new swimsuit for the last couple of's been very frustrating!

I'm not one to buy a lot of stuff for myself... I don't wear a lot jewelry and I don't have a lot of clothes and I always try to find things on sale. So after a several days of trying to find the perfect swimsuit (if there is such a thing) I finally bought one today. I tried so, so hard to find one one I liked on sale, but they all had something wrong with them, like a stupid bow, or they didn't have my size. So the one I bought was full I feel guilty. How can a swimsuit be that expensive! It's crazy! I think I was more willing to pay full price because I was so utterly exhausted from trying so many on, I gave up and bought the best one. I was loosing my mind in the dressing rooms...I would practically run through the store grabbing any suit that caught my eye and then went straight into the dressing room. The suits would become a tangled mess on the hangers so I'm frantically trying to pull one out to try on, and keep a close eye on the door because my girls love opening it, and that's no fun when I'm standing there half naked. Aren't kids fun?!

I was in Pacific Sunwear pulling suits off the rack to try on when all of sudden I felt very very old. Everyone around me were either teenagers or early twenties. I had this fear that they were laughing at me behind my back, "Look at that old lady with two kids...Does she really think that bikini she's holding will look good on HER! HA!". OK, I'm sure they weren't thinking that, at least I hope not. I did notice that several of the bikini bottoms I tried on have less coverage in the back, or I'm getting bigger, maybe I am getting too old for this. The last time I bought a suit was before I had kids so needless to say my body just isn't the same. I'm thinner than I was then but now I'm lacking the curves...I just can't win.

OK, I got way off track. I let the world know maybe a little too much about me.

Bottom line: Bought a swimsuit full price, and now I feel guilty.


  1. Don't feel guilty. You are right that you don't spend money on yourself, so a splurge once in a while is no cause for guilt.

    You are thinner, but I don't thnk you lack any curves. You look great!

  2. Awww...gosh, thank you.

    I wasn't digging for compliments, honest...but I'll take it!
