Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Back to Reality

After family visits it always takes me a couple of days to get back in the swing of things. I haven't been very productive with getting housework done these past couple of days (although, I did do the laundry), but most of the day is pretty mellow...don't want to go anywhere and don't want to do much of anything. It's just so nice to get out of the daily norm when family comes, plus the kids get tons of attention so they don't fight as much or have a chance to get into mischief since there are more eyes in the house.

After everyone left yesterday (grandparents went back to Sedona and Ryan back to work) Haley says, "Why did everyone have to leave!". It's just a bummer that Ryan's family and most of my family live out of state. If I could have it my way everyone would live on the same street, how nice would that be?! There are a lot houses for sale in our neighborhood...any takers?

This afternoon, however, I have no choice...I have to get myself to the store since we're out of milk. And since Morgan basically lives off of milk, I better get some.

1 comment:

  1. There's a house for sale only three doors down from mine! Get it while you can! Sure, it's listed at $599k, but isn't it worth it to live close to me??
