Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fun Filled Weekend!

On Friday my in-laws, Sandy (yes, she has a blog too)and Ken, came to visit for the holiday weekend. We wish the weather was a little better, but we were still able to get out and about. Saturday we went to Thanksgiving Point Farm, and the kids got two free pony rides, which they loved! Haley picked the biggest horse and Morgan got the smallest one. That day ended with dinner at PF Chang's and dessert at the BYU Creamery...Can you get better than that?!

Sunday we drove up South Fork and went for a short hike. It was a bit overcast and we felt a sprinkle here and there, but it was absolutely beautiful! The girls hiked liked champs, not one bit of complaining. We were very impressed! It took a little while to finish the hike since Haley and Morgan like to stop and pick dandelions, and this time of year they are everywhere! So needless to say we were stopping often.

On Monday Grandma and Grandpa bought Haley and Morgan an early Birthday present, a picnic table just their size. They absolutely love it! Haley could not wait to eat on it, "Is dinner ready? Is dinner ready?". Finally, when it was time to eat, we decided that it was a little too chilly to eat outside. So all the adults were inside and Haley insisted that she and Morgan eat outside on their new table. So that's how we did it, and it made a very peaceful dinner for all the adults. Hmmm, I think I'm going to like this table!

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