Friday, May 23, 2008

A Special Moment

I'm trying to be a good mom and have my camera with me at all times to capture "special moments" with my kids. So here's a keeper, I know Morgan is going to be very glad when she's older I have this documented.

She was playing around with her shirt and realized she could pull it up over head. She thought she was the coolest thing until she realized she was stuck. As soon as I pulled out the camera she went ballistic! "How dare you mock me!" (That's what she was thinking I'm sure.)

She reminds me of an angry celebrity trying to whack a camera out of her face. Of course it probably didn't help that I was laughing the whole time...I know, I know, I'm terrible.

She finally gave up and threw herself to the ground, she stayed there until I put the camera away. Don't worry, I helped her get out of her shirt and she fully recovered. She went right back to playing with her ponies as if nothing ever happened.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you gotta just bury your face in the dog bed until the camera is gone.
