Thursday, May 22, 2008

Back to the Doctor

I can't believe it...I've gone years and years without seeing a doctor, and now I've seen him twice in one month!

I've been suffering from a cold for the past week, I was the last to get it. I believe Morgan was the culprit in all of this! Anyway, last night I woke up to horrible pain in my left ear. I took some Ibuprofen, layed there in agony for a while, of course that's after I woke up Ryan to tell him my ear hurt. His half awake response, "Go see a doctor." (thanks babe) Then I finally fell asleep.

I was able to get in to see the doctor this morning! That's a miracle, usually it's impossible to see my doctor the same day I call. So come to find out, I have an ear infection. That really surprised me, I thought only little kids get ear infections. He prescribed me Amoxicillin. I was hoping for the same fruity Amoxicillin I had to take as a kid, but no, it's in the pill form...Bummer.

Now, hopefully I won't need to see a doctor for a long, long time!

1 comment:

  1. That was some nasty bug you guys picked up! Hope you feel better soon.
