Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What a Night

Last night was awful! Could it have gotten any more windy?!

When Ryan and I went to bed it was a little windy but not too bad, then about 1:30 I woke up to wind blasting me in the face (I like to leave the window open at night). Plus, there is no way I could sleep with all the racket outside, our fence is falling apart so it creaks like one can sleep through that.

When we first moved to Provo and would have a really windy night I couldn't sleep because I thought for sure the fence was going to blow over. Ryan thought I was crazy, "The fence isn't going to blow over, go to sleep!". Aha! I'm not crazy after all! I also might add that this is the second time our fence has fallen over, both I'm convinced, was a result from the wind.

Now back to last night...So I look outside to survey the fence damage and notice that all of our patio chairs have blown all over the lawn. Our BBQ is being blown across the patio as well as our entire patio table complete with it's umbrella (closed of course)!! I couldn't believe it, the umbrella stand alone weighs around 20 pounds, now that is some major wind to move that table! So Ryan and I went out there (yes, at 2:00 in the morning) to secure everything. But then I still couldn't sleep because I was so worried that our little baby tree that we planted last Fall was going to snap in half.

A few years ago we woke up to half of our huge Willow tree lying in the street after a windy night. So you can see why I'm now worried about our trees!

Our little tree did make it, luckily...but I'm sure it went through a very traumatic experience! And I got very little sleep.

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