Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Enjoying the summer weather!

The weather has been particularly nice these past several days. This morning we went for a walk along the path. This is why I love living here! In the dead of Winter, when I'm miserable, I need to pull these photos out to remind myself that there is hope. OK, I guess Winter isn't that bad...wait, yes it is!
I'm so fortunate to live right beside a beautiful path alongside the river. The girls love it! Haley always calls our walks an expedition...she says she's on an expedition to find Heffelumps (that's from Winnie the Pooh, for those unfamiliar). She's getting pretty good on her tricycle, I think Ryan and I will have to get her a new one this year.
There is a really nice spot to stop on the path to let the girls play for a while. Someone installed a tree swing and the girls of course love it. Morgan is addicted to swinging, she'll sit on a swing all day if she could. Haley was never like that, she never had the patience, she's always on the move! I'm just thankful Morgan can sit in one now by herself. When I had to put her my lap to swing it just made me so nauseous...hmmm, I must be getting old, I can't even handle swinging on a swing anymore. As you can see in this photo I've really been into dressing them alike lately. I just can't resist! I might as well do it now while they don't care...right?

On a completely different note...I have officially retired the flannel sheets for the year and brought in the cotton. I am ready for summer...Bring It!!

1 comment:

  1. I really like dressing my boys alike, too... they just look so cute AND it's super easy to track them in a crowded place! Only one outfit to keep an eye out for!
