Monday, May 19, 2008

Pretty nice weekend...

The weekend was beautiful, we couldn't have asked for better weather! A little chilly in the mornings but it warmed up nicely by lunch. The condo was a great place for the kids, a playground, lots of grass, plus the beach area. The girls loved digging through the sand looking for shells.

We went out for raspberry shakes Saturday evening...Yum! Apparently, that is a speciality there so we couldn't pass that up!

I wanted to post a few pictures of the weekend, but I forgot the camera. I know...I'm such a crummy mother, I should have a camera in my purse at all times. Oh well, I guess you'll have to take my word for it: it was absolutely beautiful there and the kids were super cute!

1 comment:

  1. That's exactly what I was thinking - forgot the camera; clearly a crummy mother. We took enough at the zoo this weekend to make up for you.
