Saturday, June 7, 2008

Back from Sugarhouse

We got back from the Sugarhouse crit, where the girls and I watched Ryan race. Well, actually I didn't see much of it since I was at the playground with the girls the whole time...can you believe that! They wanted to play instead of see their daddy race! So now, I don't want to see another playground for a while, I got my fill today.

While at the race I met another fellow blogger...Rio's Rider. As I was walking out of the bathroom a women called out, "Hi Kelly!". I look at her and say hi back as I'm frantically going in my memory banks trying to figure out who she is, and where I know her from. I'm sure I had some bewildered look on my face. I know everyone has been in that position, it's not a fun one. I thought she had to be someone I knew well if she new my name! Well, luckily she introduced herself as Rio's Rider, who I was instantly familiar with. No wonder I didn't recognize her...I had never met her before. So I didn't feel so bad...whew! It's nice to put a face to the name now.

In other news: We all went to the pool last night and Haley did very well. It took some major coaxing to get her off the pool steps, but she eventually did it! She didn't really want to try anything, just hung onto Ryan the whole time. At one point I held her while Ryan jumped off the diving board. When he got back she says, "I want to go back to Daddy now, he's funner than you.". What's up with that! Man, the things I do for her, and that's what I get!

The evening ended well...she's even been talking about going back. Of course, any mention of her swim lessons and she starts to freak out again. What to do...What to do?


  1. I'm sorry...I didn't mean to cause bewilderment! And, it was a total look of bewilderment, too!

    I just felt like I knew you well enough from reading your blog to say "hi." Isn't it funny how reading blogs makes you feel like you know someone?

    It was nice to actually meet you in person! I should have introduced you to my hubby. He could have watched all the kids on the playground so we could both watch the guys race. I hope you at least got to see the race start. Turbo took off like a bullet!

    PS - I like your music.

  2. With all these pool adventures, how is the new suit working out?

  3. It's true about blogs making you feel like you know someone whom you've never met. I've become quite the blog addict lately. I love keeping up with peoples lives! Everyone should have one!

    As far as the suit far, so good.
