Friday, June 6, 2008

No Cavities...what a relief!

I hate the dentist...I'd rather have bamboo spears jammed under my nails (OK, maybe not). But I really dislike going. After we had lived here for a couple of years I finally made an appointment(I'm trying to be a good example to my kids) and I had to get a cavity first one! That was last year, so I was super nervous today. Thankfully, none were found...YES!

I didn't have anyone to watch the girls so I brought them along. (I did OK it with the office first) They have a T.V. in the waiting room so I figured they could watch a movie while I got my teeth cleaned. It actually worked out pretty well. Every now and then I heard them horsing around, but for the most part they stayed put and ate their snack while they watched Shrek 2. I thought maybe having them with me would get me through faster, but I don't think it made any difference. Parents must do it all the time, they seemed pretty used to it.

Haley has her dentist appointment Monday...I'm sure that will go well. Ha Ha Ha! It's not her first time, and the other visits didn't go very smoothly. So I should just go into it expecting the worst.

Off to the pool tonight! Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Haha... getting cavities is never fun, indeed. On the bright side, you had none as of your last visit and that's a great thing! It's best to hope that everything will go well on Haley's visit to the dentist. Being nervous about her won't help, so good luck to all of you!

    -Ed Hochhalter
