Thursday, June 5, 2008


"Realizing that the old creature was not going to make it, the young Allosaurus pounced. It sank its clawed talons into the back of the weak Allosaurus. Huge fangs tore at the flesh. The old creature shrieked in pain. Within minutes another Allosaurus had arrived on the scene. The old dinosaur was unable to fight, and within minutes she was dead. Quickly the two Allosaurus tore huge chunks of flesh from the body of the dead creature."

Haley has several dinosaur books, each focuses on a specific one. This one happens to be about the Allosaurus, who in the story is old and weak. Throughout the whole book she on the verge of starvation and trying to find food, but she's unable to hunt anymore. Finally she is killed by her own kind! That's how it ends! How sad...and gory, huh?! Just thought I'd share.

In other news: Ryan has a meeting in Park City tonight. Haley will be bummed, she's very attached to him lately. When she's saying good night to him she always asks if he'll be there in the morning. If it's not Saturday or Sunday the next day, then the answer is always no. One night their conversation went like this:

Ryan: "Good night Haley and Morgan."

Haley: "Daddy, are you my friend?"

Ryan: "Of course I'm your friend!"

Haley: "Well then, friends don't leave!"

Ouch! Talk about a jab right to the heart! Anyway, so the point is I get the night off from cooking! Hmmm, cereal for favorite!

Anyone keeping up with Haley swim drama...don't worry, I'll keep everyone up to date when I have news to share. Tomorrow, Ryan and I are taking the girls to the pool...we'll see what happens.

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