Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Birthday Boy

The Birthday boy with his girls.

We had a really nice dinner last night. Ryan got his homemade hard tacos and I managed to avoid getting burned. Haley and Morgan had a lot of fun decorating the cake...isn't beautiful?! Morgan only smashed her hand in the frosting twice...not bad. They had a very interesting technique to decorate, they grabbed a handful of the sprinkles and just threw it on top, some of it did manage to get on the cake. And Morgan insisted that the candles go in wick down...good times!

As for the swimming lessons...not good. She refused to get in the water today. She kicked, screamed, held onto my leg, tried to name it she did it. I have never seen her so hysterical!! Nothing I would say or do would get her in that water. And did I mention out of all these kids (which were a lot) Haley was the only one acting this way...The ONLY one! I know, I know, there are a lot of kids that go into hysterics about getting into the water, but I would have some comfort seeing (with my own eyes) another mother struggling as I was. They wouldn't give me a refund for the lessons, but they would transfer her to another session. So that's what I did...her next lesson will be June 16th. In the meantime I'm taking her to the pool as much as possible and work with her myself to help her get ready. How lame does that sound: I'll give her lessons before her lessons...strange. But this is a fight that I want to WIN!!

1 comment:

  1. That last sentence is ominous folks. The only person I know who may be as stubborn (I mean that in a good way, I swear) as Kelly is Haley.
