Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Swimming Disaster...continued

As you can see, Haley is still not thrilled about her swim lessons. This is her moments before we had to leave...she was crying the entire hour before we left. She snapped out of it for the drive there, but as soon as we drove into the parking lot she started crying yet again. However, she did get into the water willingly, no dragging her or shoving her in was necessary. She was excited that she got to take her pony in with her. During the lesson another lifeguard took her away from the class to work with her alone, (hey, at least she's getting some one on one instruction, right?). There was still a lot of screaming but the teacher assures me that she was a lot better today than yesterday, and is seeing some progress. They are just so patient with her...bless their hearts.

After it was over I took her out for ice cream...she deserved it, she's getting into the water even though she is absolutely terrified. I'm proud of her! So tomorrow I'll have to think of something else fun to do.

On a completely different note: Today is Ryan's Birthday! Happy Birthday to you! Haley is so excited about it, she can't wait to help decorate his cake. Every year for is birthday he gets what ever he wants for dinner...it never fails, every year it's hard tacos.

Years ago after Ryan and I graduated from College we moved back to California. We lived at my grandparents home in Cerritos for a few months until we found our own place. Anyway, one meal (of the many) my grandma made happened to be hard tacos. Since then Ryan loves that meal. I rarely make it because, one: they are very time consuming, two: they make a horrible mess with all the grease splatter, and three: I always burn myself at least once. I have to use my longest tongs, an oven mitt to protect my hand, long sleeves to protect my arms, an apron, and safety goggles. OK, I don't really wear the goggles (maybe I should!), but I do wear everything else. But for my husband...I'll do it! Anything for you babe!

EDIT: Actually I lied, Ryan always asks for homemade pizza, homemade bread, and homemade fries for his birthday meal. When he was younger his mom let him choose what he wanted for his Birthday dinner and that is what he asked for. And she made it! I have yet to make that for his meal, I'll just leave it as a nice childhood memory. So his second choice is Hard Tacos.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I have not thought about the homemade pizza, homemade bread, homemade fries meal in a while... we sure knew how to carbo-load in our household!

    That picture of Haley is the perfect accompaniment to your posting...
