Monday, June 23, 2008

Feeling Refreshed

Sometimes weekend trips are just what it takes to feel refreshed and ready to start a new week!

We left Saturday morning for Ryan's Road Race, it started in Kamas and ended in Evanston. I of course drove the car with the girls. I stopped at the first feed zone near the top of the climb to give the team a cheer. I did not feed as they had a neutral feed, so I wasn't really needed. Plus, it's just a little too crazy to try to feed with the girls running around. And I think I've put in my dues through the years with handing feeds to Ryan at bike races. I remember one feed zone during Elite Nationals in Mississippi where I had to literally risk my life to hand out water. The riders came through at about 35 miles an hour (why they put the feed zone there, I have no idea). Water bottles were flying everywhere! Then another time during Cascade I had to feed at three different spots along the course. I didn't know where they were exactly so I followed other team cars. The first one I followed was Warden driving the Mercury car. That was impossible, I couldn't even keep up with him! He must have been going 80 around these winding roads. Then I started following the Nutra-Fig van...another mistake! We ended up turning down the wrong road and getting lost. I think I ended up missing the second feed but made it to the last one...good enough! Then, during San Dimas I handed off a water bottle to Ryan as he was making his way to the side of the pack, but couldn't quite make it time. I think he reached over two other racers to get that bottle...thank goodness he has long arms. It was a basically a miracle he got it! Anyway, those are a few examples...I got off the subject a little. But the point is, I've done my share of feeding at bike races.

The exciting part of the day was Ryan won the KOM (king of the mountain) at the top, that's pretty impressive for a guy that rarely gets to train in the mountains...good job babe!! Later after the race we went back to the hotel to take a nap....HA, HA, HA!! OK, that's not true, but it would have been nice. "OK girls, mommy and daddy need a nap, so you need to lay down too." (I wish!). Instead, Ryan took the girls swimming in the pool and then we had Mexican for dinner.

Sleeping that night was pretty minimal as Morgan kept waking up. Then about 1:30 I realized she had a fever. It never fails...we always have a sick kid when we travel, so luckily this time I came prepared! Gave her some Ibuprofen and then she was good to go! Ryan had the time trial in the morning and the crit in the afternoon. The girls were beat by the end! Morgan was able to fall asleep on the blanket during Ryan's race, but Haley fought it with everything she had. She basically walked around in a half zombie state for the last hour of the race.

After the races were finished they had awards in a big tent next a large grassy area...great for the kids to run around...or pee in. Yes, Haley decided to relieve herself in the grass right next to the tent where everyone was hanging out. Hopefully no one noticed, but if someone did...I'm so sorry. At the feed zone the day before I had her go pee behind a tree, since there were no bathrooms. That was her first time going outside. So I guess she thought it was OK to pee anywhere outside. I thought boys only did stuff like that...but apparently not! She must take after Ryan in that department.

So anyway, it was a great weekend in all. I'm pretty thankful many of my best memories are at bike races all over the country. Whether it was me racing when I was younger or going with Ryan. And now it brings a whole new light on it when we get to travel around with the girls.


  1. hey! I peed outside at my race for the first time in years... good to know that Haley and I were on the same wave length. Sounds like a fun weekend - wish I got to see Ryan race more, as I loved it the few times I've gotten to do it!

  2. It took a long time for me to pee outside apparently. As a child I would hold it FOREVER! My mom says I was even very particular as to what kind of toilet I went to the bathroom in. Even now I'll wait for as long as I can before I pee outside. So it's nice to have a child who isn't very uptight about such things.

  3. The world is my toilet.
