Friday, June 20, 2008 we come!

No swim lesson today, we start back up next week, Monday through Thursday. The teacher says Haley's getting a lot more comfortable in the water, but still is very reluctant to put her head under the water. She tells me that if she has goggles she would do it...Note to self: GET GOGGLES!

Our friend and Ryan's teammate, Sandy, arrived in town yesterday. During the last year he's been at medical school in Vermont, it sounded like a hellish year. So I think it's safe to say that he's enjoying he's break before he has to go back. He'll be racing with Ryan and the team this weekend in Evanston, WY. The girls and I are going as well...I've gone the last two years. The drive from Kamas to Evanston is beautiful and the weather will be great so I'm looking forward to it!

Hopefully I'll remember my camera!

EDIT: I forgot to mention a couple of things...

So first my's no big deal. I can't remember what it's called, I'm terrible with medical names. I think it starts with a "p". Anyway, basically it's just a spot on my eye that gets irritated, and sometimes will swell up, such as it is now. The doc says it will go away on it's own. So great, I went through all that (making an appointment, getting someone to watch the girls, paying a co-pay, etc. etc.) for nothing!! I hate when that happens. But I guess it's good to know so I'm not stressing over it...weird as it is.

Then also the other day I had to take Haley in to get a cavity filled...yes, a cavity!! I didn't mention it before because I feel so terribly guilty over the whole thing. Any mother would agree: When the nurse hands you your baby for the first time, they might as well hand you a bag of guilt too that you have to carry at all times. No one ever warns you about that!! I was so shocked when the dentist told me she had a cavity since I'm very good about brushing her teeth twice a day, and she never drinks sugary drinks, and rarely has candy. So I've concluded that it's because this state doesn't have fluoride in the tap water. I didn't have a cavity until I moved all makes sense now. So I'm really trying hard to remember to give her a fluoride pill everyday...(oops, I think I forgot this morning...better go do that! See! I'm terrible! I already forgot!) This state needs fluoride in its water, Botton Line!! Anyway, Haley did super!! I couldn't believe she was my kid, she held very still, opened her mouth when she needed to. They didn't even need to use the laughing gas stuff on her she was so good! Luckily the cavity wasn't very deep so they didn't even need to use numbing stuff (you can tell I'm pretty good with medical terms). I was so proud of her after we went straight to the store and I bought her a new My Little Pony...Royal Bouquet. She's thrilled!


  1. Oooohhh, Royal Bouquet... I've been waiting for that one!!

  2. Thanks for the hospitality! As for the medical terms, no worries. I still get 'em wrong and I'm supposed to know 'em. They're kinda hard anyway.
