Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Little Swimmer

Well here she is! At her swimming lesson with a smile...that's right, you're reading correctly, a smile! However, before every lesson she goes up to the teacher almost crying, "Excuse me. I don't want to put my head under the water, OK.". Poor little thing, she's been so traumatized from the first lesson. But this one is much better for her. The class stays close to the steps and they do more games instead of drills. So she has a lot of fun.

In other news: I'm off to the eye doctor this afternoon. Last week a woke up to a bump on my eyeball. It looks like a big pimple on the white of my eye. Kinda gross. I think the cyst gods are getting back at me for removing the one on my pay back they've put one on my eyeball instead. I just can't win! OK, so hopefully it's not a cyst, but whatever it is I don't like it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm using these pictures to sell Brandon on the idea of swim lessons. Please feel free to post any and all pictures of Haley living it up at the pool.

    How's your eye?
