Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More Structure

I'm trying to add more structure to my day to hopefully lessen the amount of...stress, craziness, "moments of rage"...whatever. I'm trying to keep the Incredible Hulk in me at bay. (Is that the character I'm thinking of?) The only things I really stick to are: In the morning, drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper while the girls watch PBS (probably my most favorite part of the day...is that bad?). After lunch, read the girls stories and lay Morgan down for her nap...I shoot for around 1:00 or 1:30. Then bedtime around 8:00, although since it's now summer, that has moved around a lot lately. Last night night it was 9:00. However, it makes no difference what time they go to bed, Haley is always up by 6:30. And in between those times I try to go on errands, clean the house, blog (of course), make meals...yada, yada, yada. But it usually consists of me going crazy at some point in the day. So back to what I was saying...more structure!

I won't bore you with everything, but I've made a couple of charts for Haley to get involved with daily routines, and a behavior chart that she can get prizes from. I want to start getting her more involved with chores in the house too. She loves setting the table and helping me cook(although, she stills needs a bit of work). But at least it gives her a task during a very hectic part of the day. So we'll see...I'm pretty good at getting really motivated in the beginning, then it eventually disappears . I'll try hard this time!


  1. Goodness! I thought I was the structured one in this family! Are you trying to steal my niche?

  2. You have nothing to worry about...you'll always be a step ahead...several steps, actually.

  3. Hey Kelly! Have you heard about The Working Parents Cookbook? They have healthy, tasty recipes that arent complicated, dont use rare ingredients and are mostly quick. Your post made me think of it because the authors also talk a lot about incorporating kids into the process - ways they can help, etc.

  4. Sounds like a good one! Thanks Jenn.
