Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Our Little Singers

Haley is our little of her favorites is a song from a My Little Pony movie. A line from the song goes, "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, a tangled web we weave...". But Haley sings it, "Oh what a tangled where wee wee, a tangled where wee wee...". No matter what I say, she still insists that she is right. So I get a lot of stares when she sings it in public.

I was in a dressing room this one time and told Morgan, "Don't open the door!". That triggered Haley's memory of a Killers song she heard in the car. She immediately broke out in song..."I got this feeling that they're gonna break down the door. I got this feeling that they're gonna come back for more...". The funny thing about that is I didn't even have that CD playing that day. I can't believe how well kids remember things!

I also want to add that I was experimenting with this's really not a good example of how much they do sing. Haley doesn't really cooperate with a camera in her face.

I'll keep trying!


  1. They clearly have talent. Have you thought about entering them in Star Search? You know, Justin Timberlake was on it, and he lost. That's how high the talent level was.

  2. I loved it. How great is is to be able to see your grandchildren even when you aren't there!
