Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pics from Provo

I went for a ride this morning and decided to take a few pictures. This is Mount Timpanogos. You can't really tell, but the mountains are so green...I've never seen them this green in the 4 years that I've lived's beautiful!

Haley and Morgan, checking out the scenery...Morgan's pointing to the horses. I was feeling left out, so I decided to take a picture of myself.

In other news: I read this brought a smile to my face. The section about "Rediscovering New Hobbies", I immediately thought of my sister-law, Beth. She has two boys, and she knows the name of all the different types of construction equipment. Me...I know none, but, I could tell you the name of every Disney Princess there ever was, or the names of the different My Little Ponies. Yes, they all have a eye is on Rainbow Dash for Haley's birthday this summer.


  1. I like that article. Did you read the accompanying article, about the worst things parents deal with? I like the paragraph about poop... no one ever tells you when you have kids that you will be surrounded by poop all the time for years!

  2. I sure did...and it is true about the poop. Who knew such little bodies could produce that much poop!
