Friday, June 13, 2008

Sringville Children's Art Festival

Today they held the Springville Museum of Art Children's Art Festival (that's a mouthful). It's a really great event! There are tons of booths, each one focuses on a different art project or craft (bead bracelets, clay, printmaking, sun catchers, etc.). My sister-in-law, Carrie, was in charge of finger puppet booth. And the really great thing is that it's free, gotta love that!

However, I think Haley didn't quite understand the whole concept of it. Most of the booths had lines, which Haley never had enough patience to wait in. She would just go to the side of the table with the instructors and make herself comfortable. Just about every booth she did that, and every time I would fetch her out and try to explain why she can't do that. But she would be already off to the next booth before I could finish.

So I'm sure she had a blast running all around, but needless to say, it just wasn't that fun for me. All I was doing was chasing her around. Plus, I hate crowds, I feel really anxious...all I wanted to do was go home as soon as we got there. Did I was really, really crowded. I think it's a short person thing. I hate being surrounded by people and not being able to see out or where I'm going...I feel sorta trapped. Luckily, one of the booths was Sidewalk Chalk...I loved it! There wasn't that many people at it, there was tons of chalk (so no fighting), and it was one that Morgan could do. I just wanted to hide out there the whole time.

So tomorrow, there is another children's festival at the Sundance Resort. Ryan has the State Road Race Championships, so it gives us something to do while he's gone. So we'll give that one a try too.


  1. Sorry it didn't work out so well. Sorry I won't be around tomorrow.
    Love you guys!

  2. Love the song! I think I've heard somewhere...
