Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sundance Festival

Ryan's racing today. Left at about 5:30 this morning to head up to Northern Utah for the State Road Race Championships. So the girls and I went to the Sundance Festival at the Sundance Resort. It was a perfect day, summer has finally arrived! It was a pretty small affair, a few artsy booths and food vendors. But they had a petting zoo, face painting, a clown and the firetruck was of course the kids were in heaven! They also had a climbing wall and pony rides for a charge...we skipped those. But other than that it was free. We met up with my brother, Matt, and his wife, Carrie, which was really nice. They live 15 minutes away, yet we barely see each other, so it was nice to hang out with them...and to have more eyes helping me watch the girls. Thanks guys!
We enjoyed a picnic lunch in the shade. Haley's balloon hat popped if you were wondering where hers was. They also mooched off a few cookies and chips from the family eating near, thanks to that family...and sorry my kids are moochers.
Haley and Morgan loved the firetruck! It kinda surprised me.

So anyway, pretty fun day in Utah County! Now I think the BYU Creamery is calling my name!

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