Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Little Worker Bees

The worst chore on Earth: mopping the floors! That, and cleaning the shower/bathtub...not a fan! (But then, who is?) So yesterday I bit the bullet and cleaned the floors (it had been a while), but the sponge part on the mop broke off so I had to do it by hand. The good part was that the girls were thrilled to help! This is what I've been waiting for!! Isn't the whole point of having kids is so that they can do all the chores?! KIDDING...but seriously. Haley actually got the hang of it, she remembered to squeeze the water out of the cloth before she started scrubbing. Morgan however, made a huge mess! It got to the point that I just couldn't help but laugh! She would take out the cloth (full of water) and drip as she walked around to find a good place to scrub. And I kid you not she slipped every time on all her puddles. Now I know that sounds mean to laugh, but she wasn't getting hurt or anything. She just continued this pattern forever: Dip the cloth, try carefully to walk...SLIP! Right on the bum! It was kind of comical. The whole thing took about ten times longer then it should have since I had to go back and clean up all the water everywhere, but if it helps teach them how to scrub the floor it's worth it...because this is the first chore I'm willing to hand over to them!

1 comment:

  1. aren't there child labor laws in UT?? love hearing about Morgan's pratfalls - just the persistence that she kept going anyway... determined to do her mopping.

    the boys are my big "helpers", too... Brandon gets really mad if I try to dust without him! Think he'll still be doing that in a few years?
