Thursday, June 26, 2008

Swimming lessons are done!

Here's Haley with her teacher on her very last day of swim lessons. They're done for now...I think I'm going to enrol her again this Winter. Unfortunately, (but I'm not surprised) she didn't pass this session. They recommend she repeats the pre-level one again. Mainly because she still isn't comfortable putting her head under the water. Although these last few classes she put her face under...making progress!! It also said on her "report card" that she is improving her listening skills. So there you have it...she can't swim yet, but she's getting there...slowly!

This afternoon I took our noble breed, Cassidy, to the Vet. (Two little girls, and a dog, that was a handful!) Anyway, I wanted to ask about a cough that she's had for a pretty long time. Basically to really know for sure what's causing it, she will need an X-Ray (which is not cheap!). It could be one of three things: chronic bronchitis, heart disease, or cancer/tumors in her lungs...Yikes! She doesn't seem to be any pain, she still gets around pretty good. She sleeps a lot, but then she's 14 years old and it's 95 degrees outside...what else is she going to do! We're leaving for CA tomorrow and she'll be going with us. It's been a long time since she's traveled that far with us, so I'm not sure how it will go. But I'm really relieved she'll be with us, I would have been super worried about her if she stayed here. I know she'll be happy! So I'll wait until we get back from the L.B.C. to decide about the X-Ray stuff. Yeah, so my posts will be a bit inconsistent for a while.
I'll leave you with this picture. This morning when I came out of the bedroom after getting dressed this is what I saw. In case you were wondering, those are Morgans "panties" (the thing that goes over her diaper when she's wearing a dress) on Haley's head. She calls herself a chef head when she wears it. I guess it's supposed to resemble a chef hat. Anyway, when she says chef head it sounds like sh*t head. I kept asking her, "What did you say?", until I realized she was saying chef. Funny!

1 comment:

  1. That picture of the girls is classic!

    Hope you guys have a wonderful trip and that everything goes smoothly with your Mom's surgery. I'll be thinking about you guys!
