Saturday, June 28, 2008


We made it! Arrived here in Long Beach yesterday around 4:00, we left around 7:oo, so we made excellent time! We drove through some pretty hot temps, I think the hottest we saw was 108 degrees outside of Barstow (I think that's where we were)...who would ever want to live there?! Anyway, we never hung around anywhere, just run to the bathroom and get back into the car. Even Cassidy didn't want to come out of her dog box, she drank her water laying down! She loves Long Beach, I can tell she has so much more energy since we got here. Pretty smooth trip really, the girls were great. As soon as we woke Haley and Morgan up at 6:00 a.m. they were ready to go, they're always up for a good road trip.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a safe drive, and also glad that you are still updating your blog! That is dedication!
