Monday, July 7, 2008

Long Beach...continued.

I know...I'm so behind. Ryan did a much better job at updating during the trip then I am. Unfortunately, he had to go back to Provo yesterday...I'm bummed, I wish he could have stayed another week too. And I know he's bummed too.

My mom's surgery was last week. She had a growth/tumor removed. Basically it's Colon Cancer, but I hate saying that...cancer is such a scary word. The surgery went very well. However, the recovery has been extremely difficult. She spent six days in the hospital...during the first two days after the surgery I have never seen my mom in so much pain. My mom is one of the toughest women I know, and I know she can endure quite a bit. I mean anyone who has given birth to four children with no epidural you know is tough! But this whole experience has really taken it's toll. It broke my heart to see her hurting as much as she did that first day, that was awful. I'm just so glad I can be here to help with her recovery. She got home yesterday and she is doing much better. It's so nice to have her home again.

I have tons of photos that I'll have to post sometime when I get home. The girls have been having a ball. We went to the beach this morning...the girls absolutely love it! Haley gets scared about swim lessons in a pool, but when it comes to the ocean she has no fear. She gets pushed over by the waves and tumbles around under the water and it doesn't even phase her...strange. Morgan is still a little apprehensive about going in the water too far, she is very content to play with the buckets in the sand.

I'll try to do better about updating this week...last week was a bit crazy.

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