Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Not a Good Day

Bad news...we got results back...cancer was found in several of my mom's lymph nodes. She will need chemo, and maybe radiation. This just plain sucks... Not feeling too good...

The more people that know what's going on, the more prayers we hope to get...we need them...


  1. Oh Kelly... I'm so sorry. We'll definitely keep your mom and the rest of your family in our thoughts/prayers/etc.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that. My mom had it and five years later is still doing great.

    I'll send great energy her way!

  3. Kelly,

    My thoughts are with you and your mother. If I can do anything to help (info, articles, whatever), don't ever hesitate to ask.

  4. I'm so sorry, Kelly.
    Prayers for Mom heading her way.

  5. Thanks everyone...we appreciate all the support.
