Monday, July 14, 2008

Heading Home Today

Today is my last day...kinda bitter-sweet. I'm super excited to see Ryan (a week apart seems like forever!), and I know the girls are very anxious to see him too...but I just don't want to leave my mom.

Yesterday we had a family fast for my mom, my first time ever fasting. I know, I know, I've been a member of the church all my life and this is my first fast...crazy! But this issue is very close to my heart, I want to be supportive in any way I can. I was definitely humbled yesterday...I'll just leave it as that. We broke the fast with a family dinner that night. It was great to see's very comforting to know what a supportive family we have! So although I don't want to leave, I know that there will be a lot of family who will be here to help out in any way they can. My mom is not alone!

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