Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Long Beach Highlights

We're home...we arrived last night at around 10:30, the girls didn't get to bed until around midnight so they slept in until around 8:45! A new record! I thought I'd post some pictures.

This is the sign that the girls decorated for my mom when she returned from the hospital.

More artwork that decorated the outside of the house. Haley can draw a face now...these are her sunshine faces. Now who wouldn't want to come home to sunshine faces there to greet you?

This is my mom (post surgery) and brother Jeff with Morgan at Huntington Beach. What nice way to recover from surgery...warm sun and feet in the sand! Sounds pretty good!

Haley and Morgan hanging out with their cousins, Sophia and Brenden. Notice Brenden's hand on Haley's leg...too cute!

Ryan on the start line at Manhatten Beach Grand Prix.

The girls enjoying a little swim. My mom gave them goggles to wear and they loved them! Even Morgan kept them on.

Arts and crafts with Grandma...this is before surgery.

This is Seal Beach...the greatest place on Earth! One day when we're rich we're moving there!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic of Haley jumping into the pool... that is some serious air!
