Thursday, July 17, 2008

Trying to Keep Up!

When we bought our house about 4 1/2 years ago, I never imagined how much yard work goes into owning a home. Luckily, the previous owner was obsessed with yard maintenance and it was in tip-top shape when we moved in. However, in the last four years it just doesn't look like it used to. It seems we loose a bush every year...I guess the hard Winters really take a toll on the shrubbery. I've replaced several, lost a few of those, and then lost a few more. I think we currently have two dead bushes in our yard, and one isn't looking so good. On a good note...we've planted four new trees (three in the backyard and one in the front) and they are all doing very well!

I spent all morning weeding the front flower beds. I have this horrid "weed" that keeps invading everything. It kinda resembles Morning Glory, but it has yellow's just awful stuff! I dug it all out once before, but it came back in full force. The root system is nearly impossible to get rid of. Now I've completed round two...I hope I've won this time!

The girls had fun while I slaved away. They were busy collecting pill bugs (rollie pollies), but Haley keeps calling them ladybugs. They are actually really good about staying within the boundaries I set, and they have never run into the street. It took me a long time to teach Haley not to do that. So I can finally get work done in the front yard instead of chasing them around the whole time. Maybe one day I'll finally catch up.

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