Friday, July 18, 2008

Bee!! Bee!! Bee!!!

That's what Morgan was yelling as she pointed to her hand. She was outside playing while Ryan was mowing the lawn, and at some point a bee got her. Poor thing, the bee bit her right on the thumb and it swelled up pretty good. Her one hand looked a little deformed for a while, but she has since recovered completely. Her first bee sting...I'm sure it won't be the last.

"Aw, yeah!" Morgan says this phrase constantly throughout the day, and she has a very raspy voice making it sound particularly cute. My brothers say she'll make a good Jazz singer one day.

Yesterday her and Haley were painting with their water colors. This is the conversation I had with Morgan:

Morgan points to the yellow color, "Blue?"

Me: "No, that's yellow."

Morgan: "Aw, yeah."

Morgan pointing to the red, "Blue?"

Me: "No, that's red."

Morgan: "Aw, yeah."

Anyway, this went on for some time. She says "Aw, yeah." for everything. "You can have milk after lunch."..."Aw, yeah.". "Get a story to read."..."Aw, yeah.". "Put away your toys."..."Aw, yeah.". Ahhh, so funny.

I had to post this picture! It is very rare that I can get both kids looking the same direction and's a miracle!! I guess it helped to have Ryan beside me making silly faces at them.

1 comment:

  1. Morgan's answer reminds me of a malt liqor commercial.
    "Awwww yeaaahhh"
