Thursday, August 14, 2008

Failed Hike

Why is it that some days kids do great, and other days they can become completely unraveled?!

I took the girls up South Fork this morning to do a little hike. They've done this hike plenty of times before so it's not new to them at all, and they've done fine in the past. Not today! Morgan cried about 95% of the time...walk and cry, walk and cry...lovely! And Haley won the award for the best complainer. Yeah, good times! So needless to say, we didn't get very far on the trail. One funny thing did happen. As soon as I was finished putting sunscreen on them I went to put it back into the car, in that 30 seconds of turning my back to them to put the sunscreen away, they managed to completely cover themselves with dirt! We haven't even gotten on the trail yet, we're still standing in the parking lot! You know how after you put sunscreen on you're kinda slimy after? Well, that was them, so the dirt caked on them. I have no idea how they could get that dirty in 30 seconds, but whatever. It was a sight to see, too bad I didn't have my camera! Anyway, so later during the hike Haley is balancing on this log. She slips and slides on her side to the ground. She's OK and everything, but as soon as she lands she says, "Oh no! Now I'm all dirty!". Uhhh, did you see yourself before we even started?! I guess not! And Morgan looked like she fell through a chimney chute, it was pretty funny.

On a positive note, I was able to pick up some peaches from Alred's Orchard on the way home. That's one thing I love about the month of August...the peaches are in season!!


  1. I remember stopping and getting peaches when we visited in the fall of 2005. They were SO GOOD! That was the first time I ever really liked a peach actually... the fuzz wigs me out.

  2. The fuzz often wigs me out as well, but peaches are grand.

  3. I think they were so darn good because Kelly peeled them for little Haley & Brandon, and I snuck from theirs.
