Monday, August 18, 2008


Haley and Morgan have always had a love/hate relationship. However, for the last few weeks they've really been throwing the hate at each other. OK, they don't really hate each other...but they haven't been getting along at all!! Unlike my sister-in-law's kids who adore each other, and they are very similar in age as Haley and Morgan. I want that!!!! Morgan loves the way Haley reacts when she steals a toy from her...Haley will scream and yell while Morgan runs and laughs. Or the biggest one, Morgan will walk into the room that Haley is playing in and yell out "NO", and Haley will have the biggest fit. "Mommy!!! Morgan said NO to me!!!". WHO CARES!!! Why Haley is so dramatic I just don't know. I have to keep them separated while they play and even then problems are bound to arise. I think the only time they really play together is outside. They had a really good time acorn hunting yesterday at the park. And sometimes I'll catch Haley "reading" to Morgan. So they do get along occasionally! We'll keep working on it.

We just had a visit from my Uncle Ray over the weekend. Every year he takes a road trip on his motorcycle and usually stops in here for a few days. This year his destination is South Dakota. A lot easier compared to his cross country trip to Maine last year! Salinas, CA to Maine...that's a road trip!! So anyway, it was a really nice visit, we always enjoy having him here.

Tomorrow, my parents and little brother, Jeff are arriving! We're pretty excited for that! Jeff is actually moving in with us while he goes to UVU, so that will be a nice addition to our already "At Full Capacity" household! But, I think it's a really good thing and we're excited to have him here. Of course I've waited until the very last day to try to organize the room he'll be staying in. Currently, it's our office/spare bedroom. But it's also the room for things that don't have a place. "Hmmm, where should this go...ahh, I'll just throw it in the office!!". So you can imagine we have accumulated quite a bit of stuff that now needs a new place. It's not a junky room or anything, I don't want you to have the wrong impression. The closet really is the only thing I need to clean out. So it can be done...I just have to stop procrastinating and do it!

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