Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy Anniversary My Love!

Wow, 9 years of wedded bliss!

So Ryan and I got up this morning...Let me rephrase that, Ryan got up and I got up about 20 minutes later to say goodbye as he left for work. Neither one of remembered our anniversary! It wasn't until several hours later that I thought about it...oops. For some reason I'm terrible at remembering! It seems that every year we both forget all about it.

But of course the day is still very special to us (when we remember it). Love you, Babe!

1 comment:

  1. Did you forget last year, as well? Have a wonderful day and enjoy the BLISS! Put a Poppy in a POT and you will have it made... look up what you get on the 9th. Congrads.
