Friday, August 8, 2008

What a Week

This week has been an interesting one...not to mention exhausting!

First, the whole "I'm never pooping again" (see previous blog posts), routine Haley did in the beginning of the week was not that fun. That ended somewhat...she still tries to avoid the toilet, but she is starting to realize that "never pooping again" may not be an option.

Now, at the end of the week we're dealing with some sort of flu bug. Ryan came home sick on Tuesday, he had a fever, chills and pretty achy. He even stayed home on Wednesday, so you know he's not feeling well if he stays home from work. Then, Wednesday...or I should say 2:30 Thursday morning, Haley threw up. An hour later, she threw up again! However, she didn't have a fever. We took it easy all Thursday, just stayed at the house and I even got her to take a nap! She was basically back to normal by that evening. Finally, I was getting Morgan out of the crib this morning and found throw up all in her crib! When did she do that?! She never cried in the middle of the night, and it definitely had been sitting there because it was dried up and her hair was all crusty! GROSS! Poor thing, who knows how long she had been sleeping like that. She's been fine all day, eating normal and everything. Very strange!

So this week we have been pretty much home bound. It's been extremely frustrating, the girls have not been getting along at all! They fight over every little thing. I have to always have them separated...Haley playing with something in her room, and Morgan playing with something else in the living room. They even fight over cleaning up! Haley will yell "Morgan is putting more away then I am!". Isn't that a good thing?! So weird!

I need a break!

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