Sunday, August 10, 2008

I knew I was doomed.

So I got my break...wasn't really what I wanted though. Yesterday, I came down with whatever illness the rest of the family had all week. It never fails, if one person gets sick, we all get sick...eventually. And it seems I'm always the last to get it.

So I spent the day resting. Every time I stood up I felt super woozy, and weak. Plus, I had a headache that just wouldn't quit! So my super husband came through and took care of the kids all day, what a guy!

I'm feeling a lot better today, just a little tired. I'm sure I'll be 100% tomorrow.


  1. Did I have a choice?
    Super husband
    PS- Feel free to keep calling me that.

  2. To Super Mom and Husband,

    Hey, Matthew told me you were all sick... glad you guys are better. Glad that I was in San Diego and did not share the sickness joy with you all.

    See you soon,
