Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Birthday to Haley!

Saturday, which was Haley's Birthday was very hectic! I was trying to get everything ready for the party and I never got around to do my birthday post for Haley. Since I posted old photos of Morgan I wanted to do the same for Haley. However, I can't find any newborn pictures of her. Our old laptop had all of our saved pictures of her on it from 2004. Unfortunately, that computer died and nothing was saved to a disk. Bummer. I have a huge baby album of her, so at least I have that. So anyway, I was able to find these.

She's such a cutie! I always forget how bald she was! I remember being so impatient...I wanted so badly to do her hair, and put cute clips and bows in it. It wasn't until she turned three that it finally started growing! Wow, I can't believe she's four!

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