Friday, August 1, 2008

Play pools, anyone?

So tomorrow is Haley and Morgan's Birthday party...the party actually falls on Haley's birthday which makes it nice. Since it's been super hot lately I decided on making it an outside swim party. I have one small kiddie pool, it's fine for just Haley and Morgan, but really no more then that can fit in it. So I was just going to pick up something bigger, one of those big blow up kind of pools...I've seen them all summer long. Well, I have searched high and low and can't find a single one!! What is this?! August 1st arrives and all stores have to strip the shelves of any type of summer thing?! I hate that!! Come on's still in the 90's, kids need pools! So I've been running around like a crazy lady trying to find things for the party. I did finally manage to find a pretty cool sprinkler thingy that will work...but kids need options, so I'm still on the lookout. I think I'll have to start asking around the neighborhood, maybe I can borrow something.

This is all kinda my fault, I admit I procrastinated a bit. I should have bought the stupid pool when I saw I'm paying the price! I've been a little off my game lately. These dogs have really been taking up my time...I've been doggy obsessed. Cassidy needs a lot of TLC for her abscess (which is looking a lot better) and Etta needs...well, she's a puppy, she needs a lot of things. For one, I'm really working hard with training. I'm constantly reading dog training articles every little chance I get. I've been working with the "sit" command...they say that should be first. I'll have to be careful, I might start talking to the kids the way I talk to Etta, "NO, OFF, SIT!"..."Good, sit!"..."NO, NICE!"..."Good, nice!".

OK, enough blogging for today.
The mission for the afternoon: Find a Pool!!

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