Thursday, August 28, 2008

The mystery of the broken camera.

My camera broke, and I'm not sure how...just another thing to add to the list of the many things that need repaired in this house. When you have kids you might as well save time and take a sledge hammer to anything valuable in the house immediately...because eventually it will get broken! I'm not blaming the broken camera on one of my children...but I wouldn't be surprised if someones little fingers got a hold of it and maybe even dropped it and then put it back nicely where they found it. Just a hunch of course!

Etta got attacked by our neighbor's dog the other day. My neighbor has two boxers which I thought were pretty friendly, but apparently they have thing against cute little puppies! We were walking across the street and one of them came charging over to us and went straight for Etta, pinning in down on the ground biting and scratching her. I screamed and yanked on her leash hard making her go airborn and then I caught her before she fell to the ground again. I know, crazy. She was OK, but I was pretty upset. My neighbor came over to apologize, but the bottom line is those dogs need to be on leashes!! They never bothered me before, but now I'm pretty concerned about them! Poor Etta, it was a very traumatic experience for her!

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